Visit Workday to make your new hire elections or report a qualifying life event (QLE). New Bioworkers should complete the enrollment in Workday whether they intend to enroll or not. This is your opportunity to understand your employer-sponsored plans, designated beneficiaries, etc.

To start your enrollment login to Workday (available via OKTA when accessing in Ginkgo’s network)

New Bioworkers will get a notification in their Workday inbox that says “Choose Benefits for New Hire Enrollment.” Click the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button to start making your elections.

Bioworkers reporting a QLE should:
  1. Navigate to the Employee Benefits & Wellness Application
  2. Select ‘Change Benefits’
  3. Select the appropriate life event option and enter the date the change occurred. Future effective dates are acceptable.
  4. Attach any relevant files (ex: birth certificate for newborn, marriage certificate, etc.)
  5. Click Submit
  6. A dialog box will pop up, confirming that you’ve initiated a life event. Click ‘Open’
  7. Then click the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button to start making your elections.

After making your selections you will be shown a summary of your benefits. Ensure the information is correct, complete the electronic signature, and submit.